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Even Better Building

The project aimed to improve upon the previous project A Better Building, while retaining the advantages of cross improved cross ventilation and daylighting because of the open deck access.

Double-sided apartments on dual corridors always involve the problem of how to use the space where the corridor is crossed. The scissor apartment always places the bathroom here. With this version, the object was to make the corridor as open and airy as possible so the crossing becomes just a simple bridge.


As with André Devin's Frais Vallon apartments, and as with scissor apartments, this building has all living areas on the one side of the building. Those living areas vary in size depending on the apartment. One of the four apartments shown – the one shaded yellow – can be lived in as a conventional apartment by a single family. The other three apartments all have a kitchen/dining room but any of the other rooms can be used as a living area – or not – depending on occupancy and tenure. 

The middle rooms on each side can be allocated to the apartment on either side, to configure more variations. 

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